Another month has gone and I am excited to be a part of this continued blog circle where some very creative friends are writing letters and documenting their children with photos.
What a big month May is for us, and will always be. Both of you have birthdays, and this year you are turning 5 and 3. I can't help but think that time is going too fast. Before my very eyes you are changing and growing by leaps and bounds.
My first born, how have five years passed since I first met you? It as if you have always been here, and now, I do not know life without you. You are literally growing on me and I have trouble keeping up with your food demands. You have always been such a funny and picky eater, and now is no different. You now want a particular cereal and will eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner...AND snack. I recently had the conversation with you about needing to eat a variety of foods and your response was, "I love it. I just can't stop thinking about it... I can't get it outta my head!" Then, the sly grin peaked out. These little obsessions will too pass, but what I am falling in love with, is your sense of humor. You are telling me jokes and making me laugh on a daily basis. I wish I could bottle your giggles, but since I can't, I will forever keep them close to my heart.
Your fifth birthday was fantastic. We spent the day getting breakfast at the local dive (per your request), playing at the beach, taking a nature walk, and of course, getting ice cream. You also had a construction party with lots of building and digging involved. This included "digging in the dirt"cupcakes complete with gummy worms.
You are insightful and I am so proud of how you are solving problems on your own. So much so, you are already preparing yourself for adulthood! One day you kept bossing your brother around. I finally intervened and at one point, I asked you who made the rules for him. Your response was: "I don't make the rules. You make the rules mama. I am practicing for when I am older. Everyone needs to practice, right?" You were not joking on this one, but rather, completely serious. I couldn't let you see, but I was grinning from ear to ear on the inside!

My second born, in a few short days, you will turn three. How can that be? I have just finished going through some of your earlier photos and a long trip down memory lane. You are pretty much potty trained and I love to hear you say, "I don't need those diapies anymore!"Sometimes you hate to wash your hands and you repeatedly ask me if you need to do this chore after going on the potty. One day I asked you if you liked to wash your hands and your response totally cracked me up. You said, "I like to run away and say... OOPS, I forgot!"
You love to play superhero in the house and put your cape one and fly around. You use your amazing memory for learning all of the Marvel superheros and their special powers. Your inner daredevil is shining these days. You have started to do tricks on your scooter. I am not sure where you come up with this stuff, but frankly, I am frightened and delighted. Can you be both of those things together? Maybe the fright has just worn off and now I think it is cute. You started by riding sideways, then moved to hooking your leg around the stem, and now jump with both feet in the air and land back on the base...all while moving. You are talented and sure footed and have way more courage than I think I ever have had. X games, here we come!
I love both of you more than the moon and the stars in the sky!
Please follow this link to see the next letter in this blog circle by the talented Christina Guzman